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Something is Killing the Children #21 | 1:50 Ratio Variant | CGC 9.8
(W) James TynionIV (A/CA) Werther Dell'Edera * After a year since we last saw her in Archer's Peak, Erica Slaughter resurfaces to take on the case of a girl who's seen...
Something is Killing the Children #23 | 1:50 Ratio Variant | CGC 9.6
(W) James TynionIV (A) Werther Dell'Edera (CA) Jenny Frison Trapped in the county jail, Erica must use her one phone call to contact someone from her past... but will they...
House of Slaughter #1 | 1:200 Incentive Ratio Foil Variant | CGC 9.8
Discover the inner workings of the House of Slaughter in this new horror series exploring the secret history of the Order that forged Erica Slaughter into the monster hunter she...
House of Slaughter #1 | 1:100 Incentive Ratio Variant | CGC 9.8
Discover the inner workings of the House of Slaughter in this new horror series exploring the secret history of the Order that forged Erica Slaughter into the monster hunter she...
House of Slaughter #2 | 1:25 Ratio | Signed by Tynion & Dell"Edera | CGC SS 9.8
Signed by James Tynion IV and Werther Dell"Edera Erica Slaughter isn't the only member of the House of Slaughter to have made sacrifices in order to become the monster hunter...
House of Slaughter #3 | 1:25 Ratio | Signed by Tynion & Dell"Edera | CGC SS 9.8
(W) James TynionIV, Tate Brombal (A) Chris Shehan, Werther Dell'Edera (CA) Werther Dell'Edera As the House leaders discuss the fate of "the Last Butcher", Aaron and Jace escape the watchful...
House of Slaughter #5 | 1:25 Incentive Ratio | Tynion IV & Dell"Edera Signed| CGC SS 9.8
Signed by James Tynion and Werther Dell"Edera (W) James TynionIV, Tate Brombal (A) Chris Shehan, Werther Dell'Edera (CA) Werther Dell'Edera The first arc of House of Slaughter comes to a...
House of Slaughter #4 | 1:25 Dell'Edera Incentive Ratio Variant | CGC 9.8
* Jace embarks on the life or death trial that all White Masks must undergo... the Ritual Hunt. * Meanwhile, Aaron is torn between his burgeoning feelings for Jace and his...
Something is Killing the Children #19 | Cover A | Werther Dell'Edera | CGC 9.8
Erica must play the Game of Nowhere, a secretive binding ritual of the Order of St. George, but not everyone wants her to succeed.And it's much more than a game;...
House of Slaughter #4 | 1:25 Dell'Edera Incentive Ratio Variant
* Jace embarks on the life or death trial that all White Masks must undergo... the Ritual Hunt. * Meanwhile, Aaron is torn between his burgeoning feelings for Jace and his...
Something is Killing the Children #37 | Werther Dell'Edera Jessica Sketch | 2x Signed | CGC SS 9.8
Signed by & Sketched by Werther Dell'Edera and signed James Tynion IV
In hand and ready to ship
Something is Killing the Children #39 | Dell'Edera Foil Variant | 2x Signed | CGC SS 9.8
Signed by Werther Dell'Edera and James Tynion IV
In hand and ready to ship